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Video Examples

Embed easily YouTube, Vimeo or MP4 videos1 on your webpage. This section (V01) and the next video templates are optimized for presenting videos.

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Sections H01 & V02

Large video on the right

An ideal video template
Created to impress! Use this video section (V02) to embed a large video on a parallax website or on a landing page.
List benefits on the left
Easily highlight the key features or aspects of your presented product or service.
Sections H01 & V03

Large video on the left

Left aligned video
Alternatively, you could opt in for this video layout (V03) if you want to embed a large demo or showcase video on the left.
Intelligent auto styling
Style automatically the entire section that contains the video by applying a single parameter.
Sections H01 & V04

Large video full width

Left video and teaser features

  • section V05 - a balanced video template
  • showcase both text and videos
  • easily embed a video on the left
More Sections

Right video and teaser features

  • section V06 - a template for presenting your video on the right and the text on the left
  • smooth responsiveness
Sections H01 & V07

Two columns with videos & text

First Video Caption
A video template for presenting two videos and their additional headlines or descriptions, one near each other. More Sections

Second Video Caption
This layout will automatically adapt to various viewports, such as a large retina monitor or a mobile phone. More Sections

Sections H01 & V07

Additional examples on how to embed Vimeo or MP4 videos

Vimeo video example
Check out this HTML video template example to learn how to embed a Vimeo video on your webpage. More Sections

Embedding directly a MP4 video example
In the example above you can find out how to embed a hosted video file (i.e. MP4) in Basic8 video sections. More Sections